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Revision as of 19:27, 24 February 2020 by Jbest (talk | contribs) (Adaptivity and Smoothness to CBC3D [In Progress])
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Paraview plugin [In Progress]

Paraview Python Plugin

  1. CNF project:visualize the meshes in 3d
  2. Take weight of tetrahedral and plot
  3. User should have the ability to choose the axis to collect weight

Adaptivity and Smoothness to CBC3D [In Progress]

  • CGAL
  • NYU method


  1. For smooth
  2. Researching CGAL's approach for smoothing

NYU Method

  1. Read Fotis' thesis
  2. Read NYU papers: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.03581.pdf
  3. Review the NYU code on github
  4. Study the NYU papers and code to understand how to augment Fotis' code


Method 1

  1. First I need to modify the CBC3D.cxx/main.cxx to be able to read an additional segmented image or an Euclidian Distance Transform (EDT). Can use ReadImage function for this (see Utilities_CBC3D.h).
  2. Then I need to add the input EDT to the list of EDT’s used for mesh refinement.
  3. The list of EDT’s from the standard input segmented image is computed in function: ComputeMaurerDistance ImagesAndInterpolators (itkBCCMeshFilter.cxx).
  4. Then the method should refine those additional artificial boundaries to achieve element gradation in regions (e.g., high and low concentration) other than the standard boundaries/interfaces.

Method 2

  1. Adapt the sizing function to work with CBC3D

CBC3D Docker [In Progress]

  1. Exploring the option of creating a docker with CBC3D
  2. Comparing with PODM which has a different set of parameters
  3. Using PODM as a template - making necessary changes to CBC3D
  4. Utilizing paraview to visualize meshes

Slicer Extension -- [DONE]

  1. Get stand alone slicer code from github
  2. Test the CBC3D Slicer extension with old code
  3. Test the CBC3D Slicer extension with new code
  4. Place the new code on Box