How to update publications page

Revision as of 00:37, 10 February 2023 by Pthomadakis (talk | contribs)
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Guide to updating CRTC wiki publication page

This is a short guide on how to update the CRTC wiki publication page. The publication page lists all publications of the CRTC group and is maintained (like the whole wiki) from the CS department's IT group. If you have any issues or questions, please contact:


In order to be able to access the page to modify the publications list you will need the following prerequisites:

  1. Have a CS account. All CS students are given such an account when first joining the department.
  2. Connect to the CS VPN or use a machine located in the CS department.
    1. Note that connecting to ODU's VPN will not work for this.
  3. Be a member of the CRTC group (email to request this)

Accessing the publications' administrative page

First access the Publications page. On the top right you should see red link reading "Authenticated Users" as in the picture below:


Click on the link and you should be directed to a login page, like below. Enter you CS account credentials and sign in.

(If you get an error, make sure you are connected to the CS department network or VPN.)


If everything was successful, you should see the following html page:


Updating the publications page

Users can perform the following updates to the page:

  1. Add a new paper/author/venue/minisymposium
  2. Modify an existing paper/author/venue/minisymposium
  3. Remove an existing paper/author/venue/minisymposium

Adding a new paper

In order to add a new paper, the paper's author(s) and the venue/minisymposium it was submitted to must have been already added to the database through the respective links.

Once this information has been added to the database, it will become available at the respective drop-down menus.

An example of the whole process is shown in the steps below.

Step 1: Add author (Skip if all co-authors have published at least one paper with the CRTC group): Guid-publ-4.png

Simply fill in the fields requeted: Guid-publ-5.png

Step 2: Add venue/minisymposium (Skip if CRTC group already published there before): Guid-publ-6.png

Simply fill in the fields requested as before: Guid-publ-7.png

Step 2: Add paper: Guid-publ-8.png

Select the venue type (Conference or Journal): Guid-publ-9.png

Simply fill in the fields requested and choose the respective authors and venue from the drop-down menus:
