From crtc.cs.odu.edu
Paraview plugin [In Progress]
Paraview Python Plugin
- CNF project:visualize the meshes in 3d
- Take weight of tetrahedral and plot
- User should have the ability to choose the axis to collect weight
Adaptivity and Smoothness to CBC3D [In Progress]
- NYU method
- For smooth
- Researching CGAL's approach for smoothing
NYU Method
- Read Fotis' thesis
- Read NYU papers: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.03581.pdf
- Review the NYU code on github
- Study the NYU papers and code to understand how to augment Fotis' code
Method 1
- First I need to modify the CBC3D.cxx/main.cxx to be able to read an additional segmented image or an Euclidian Distance Transform (EDT). Can use ReadImage function for this (see Utilities_CBC3D.h).
- Then I need to add the input EDT to the list of EDT’s used for mesh refinement.
- The list of EDT’s from the standard input segmented image is computed in function: ComputeMaurerDistance ImagesAndInterpolators (itkBCCMeshFilter.cxx).
- Then the method should refine those additional artificial boundaries to achieve element gradation in regions (e.g., high and low concentration) other than the standard boundaries/interfaces.
Method 2
- Adapt the sizing function to work with CBC3D
CBC3D Docker [In Progress]
- Exploring the option of creating a docker with CBC3D
- Comparing with PODM which has a different set of parameters
- Using PODM as a template - making necessary changes to CBC3D
- Utilizing paraview to visualize meshes
Slicer Extension -- [DONE]
- Get stand alone slicer code from github
- Test the CBC3D Slicer extension with old code
- Test the CBC3D Slicer extension with new code
- Place the new code on Box