Isotropic Mesh Generation
Sphere and Two Blades with Merging Wakes and a Symmetry Plane
Cuts of tetrahedral grids of a sphere generated for varied cdfm ∈ [0, 1]. Blue
corresponds to larger values of the distribution function. Red corresponds to smaller values
of the distribution function.
Cuts of tetrahedral grids of two blades with merging wakes and a symmetry
plane enclosed in an outer boundary generated for varied cdfm ∈ [0, 1] (shown in
The input surface is depicted in (a)-(b). The wake region is modeled as an embedded/
transparent delete surface.
Element angle distribution (in 5-deg increments) of grids of sphere, for varied
The dihedral angle extrema and the element count are reported for each grid.
Element angle distribution (in 5-deg increments) of grids of two blades with
merging wakes and a symmetry plane enclosed in an outer boundary, for varied cdfm.
dihedral angle extrema and the element count are reported for each grid.